Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bekah Catches Her First (10) Fish!

Grammy and Pappy kindly took care of Bekah on 12/21 while Tammy and I hosted a Christmas party at out house. Grammy and Pappy just bought a new home by SR 675 in Myakka City that has a pond in the backyard. No one knew if the pond had fish and if it did how many fish it had. Bekah and Pappy were determined to find out!!!

Bekah quickly snagged her first fish (pic below) and subsequently went on to snag NINE MORE FISH over a period of about one hour!!! Her perspective on fishing will be clearly jaded for life!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun at Hunsader Farms!

Bekah, Parker, and family made our annual trip to Hunsader Farms this weekend. Bekah especially enjoyed riding on the pony with her mommy!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Teri and Adam kissin in a tree...

This weekend Teri and Adam tied the knot in Tallahassee! Tammy was a bridesmaid while Bekah was the flower girl. A beautiful wedding that I wish I actually got to see...Caroline and I spent the ceremony "bonding" on a long drive. Well, I was bonding with her...Caroline was screaming at the top of her lungs! :)

P.S. Many thanks to Ken and Diana for letting us borrow their ride for the long haul to/from Tally. The DVD player and the extra luggage room was unbelievably helpful!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Caroline cheers the Rays to a 9-8 win over the Sox in Game 2 of the ALCS

At exactly four weeks old, Caroline dragged her mom and dad out to the ALCS Game 2 matchup between the Rays and the Red Sox last night. Caroline was completely elated to be at the game (see picture below):

Di and Ken kept us company as Caroline cheered the Rays on to a 8-8 tie in the top of the 6th, then we headed home to relieve Lindsay, our babysitter, of her duties by midnight. But before we left, we snapped a couple of pictures:

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Monkeying around at My Gym

My Gym in Westchase had an open house today!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Caroline Faith Norwood

After three solid weeks of on-again/off-again false labor and pre-labor, Tammy perfectly timed Caroline's birth - 3:12 PM on Saturday, September 13, 2008 - Caroline's EXACT due date!

Furthermore, it was shortly after the USF-Kansas game and in a perfect span of hours when her sisters (Jami and Teri) were able to join for the birth.

By the stats, Caroline weighed in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. and 21.5" long. She came out with a full head of dirty blonde hair, very similar to Bekah.
On to the pictures!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Start of 2008 Gator Football Season!

Bekah was sporting her new Gator jersey!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Still Waiting for Caroline; Wait is finally over for football!

So it is Thursday night, and Caroline is still holding tight. Tammy is still having occassional contractions, but nothing consistent. We even went on some long walks and ate spicy food today to no avail.

Tammy goes back to the OB tomorrow, so we should get an official update on her "statistics." Stay tuned for tomorrow's update...

In an unrelated update, the College Football season starts tonight! Praise God! The period of months between the NBA Finals and the start of college football is hands-down the most unevental time of year (at least for those of us not into MLB). To celebrate the start of the college football season, we bought Bekah a Gator jersey! Pics will come after this weekend when she gets to sport her new Gator outfit when the Gators beat Hawaii in the Swamp!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Last Friday, 8/22, Tammy had her 37th week visit to the OB/GYN - supposed to be a routine weekly visit leading up to her due date on 9/13. Well, surprise, surprise! Tammy was 3 cm dialated and 50% effaced. I'll spare you the details on the compliments that the Dr. gave Tammy on her cervix, but needless to say, the 9/13 due date was looking highly improbable.

On Saturday Tammy had irregular but frequent contractions - they weren't "painful" but they were "uncomfortable."

On Sunday the small contractions continued although Tammy got some rest and did her best not to bring the birth on just yet. The Dr. wanted Caroline to wait at least until 38.5 weeks.

Monday was a non-event...the only time the contractions were significant was after Tammy did some relatively heavy lifting after shopping.

Stay tuned - Caroline is getting ready...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Bekah's First Trip to Disney

Yes, so at the ripe old age of three, Bekah went to Disney - joining Cousin Parker, Aunt Jami, Uncle Forrest, Mom Mom, Grandad, and her parents.

As usual, she dared to go on the "scary" rides...such as Dumbo and the carousel.

One question - why is Uncle Forrest still wearing a Superman backpack?!?!? I thought that he would have got over that after elementary school???