Monday, August 25, 2008


Last Friday, 8/22, Tammy had her 37th week visit to the OB/GYN - supposed to be a routine weekly visit leading up to her due date on 9/13. Well, surprise, surprise! Tammy was 3 cm dialated and 50% effaced. I'll spare you the details on the compliments that the Dr. gave Tammy on her cervix, but needless to say, the 9/13 due date was looking highly improbable.

On Saturday Tammy had irregular but frequent contractions - they weren't "painful" but they were "uncomfortable."

On Sunday the small contractions continued although Tammy got some rest and did her best not to bring the birth on just yet. The Dr. wanted Caroline to wait at least until 38.5 weeks.

Monday was a non-event...the only time the contractions were significant was after Tammy did some relatively heavy lifting after shopping.

Stay tuned - Caroline is getting ready...

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