Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bekah is getting baptized!

Today was a HUGE day for our family!!!!

Today during the 9:30 AM service @ Idlewild, Bekah walked forward at the end of church and asked to be baptized!!! This has been brewing for the last week...or really over the last 1.5 years really (since she accepted Christ as her Savior)... This week Bekah had been talking with her mom about getting over the fear of getting baptized and becoming comfortable with being obedient to God in this aspect of her life. We have been very careful to make sure that this is 100% her decision and that she understands all aspects of her commitment - why she is doing it, what it means (and doesn't mean), the logistics of how/when it happens, etc.

For friends & family who want to come to witness her baptism, please hang tight for a little while. Idlewild makes sure that everyone knows what they're getting into when they commit to baptism and joining the church, so we will be getting Bekah registered into "Membership 101" - a class that will explain everything to her. That is usually a month-long class, so I expect us to set a date for her baptism sometime over the next three to eight weeks.

Praise God!


Cyndi said...

Yay Bekah!!!

Unknown said...

This is a WONDERFUL day. A BIG decision for a little girl not yet six.

She has such a big extended family of love and prayers that have been with her since before she was even born.

I am sure the Lord has great plans for both Bekah and Caroline.

Meme and Grandpa Mike are both so very proud of her.