Sunday, March 27, 2011

the venue @Bayside Community Church

We went to "the venue" @ Bayside Community Church tonight.

It is like Elevation (in Charlotte), but in east Bradenton. It is a weird location for a cool/young Elevation-style church, but I like it. very good, current worship (they did "Your love never fails" - one of my favs) and a solid Bible inspired message for a young crowd. apparently it is one of the top 20 growing churches in the US on a percentage basis YoY.

Anyhow, the sermon was titled "Five steps to wreck your life" aka "How to drift apart from God." basic blocking/tackling of the Christian faith...but well articulated/formulated thoughts by Pastor Justin ??? (didn't catch his last name). the five points were:

1. Don't spend time with God (praying, Bible reading/memory, quiet time)

2. Blame God if you don't like your circumstances (when tough times come, do we blame God?)

3. Hang out with bad influences

4. Have a selfish desire to be known (it's about me)

5. If all else fails, fake it (put on a face, don't have accountability)

basic stuff, right? But how easy is it for us to not get these five basic principles right even for a single week?

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